Gas Fired Absorption Chiller/Heater

Gas Fired Absorption Chiller/Heater 0 Comments

Gas Fired Absorption Chiller/Heater — Abotherm Services

Abotherm Services are the leading suppliers of gas fired absorption chiller/heaters in the United Kingdom. We stock a wide range of absorption chiller/heaters including gas fired, hot water fired and steam fired devices.

Gas fired absorption chiller-heaters are designed for commercial applications where chilled or hot water are used in conjunction with a large central air conditioning system. Water in the condenser is chilled by the device and heat is rejected through a cooling tower. This article will explain some of the benefits of using a gas fired absorption chiller/heater.

What is a Gas Fired Absorption Chiller/Heater

Absorption chillers work by using a heat source (natural gas, biogas, solar energy or cogeneration system) to provide energy that runs a cooling system. They are a useful alternative to electrical devices that run on compressors.

Gas Fired absorption chiller/heaters are popular in operating environments where access to electricity is impossible or using electricity is cost prohibitive. Absorption chiller/heaters are also useful when a business wants a low-noise device that utilises existing energy sources including solar energy, boilers, biomass gas, and co-generation systems.

The Yazaki absorption chillers sold by Abotherm Services use water as a refrigerant and a solution of lithium bromide as the absorbent. This combination results in a device that is safe for the environment and highly efficient. Because the device is gas-powered, it can reduce peak electrical load and greatly reduce energy costs for a business.

Gas fired absorption chiller-heaters are available in a wide range of sizes from 17 kW though to 700 kW devices. They are primarily used in hotels, shopping malls, food industry, hospitals, small businesses, offices and large residential homes.

Some of the advantages of using gas fired absorption chiller/heaters include:

  • The device produces chilled water for air conditioning or other cooling requirements
  • It is powered by a cheap and clean energy source — natural gas.
  • Natural gas is a renewable source of energy and can be obtained via biomass
  • Much cheaper to run than an electrical equivalent
  • Less carbon emissions than other comparable devices
  • Reliable, quiet and very efficient
  • The device has a very long life span
  • Compact design and easy installation
  • Can use waste heat from other energy sources, making it ideal for industrial applications
  • Co-generation and renewable gas capabilities means the device may be eligible for renewable grants from governments
  • This technology has been in use for many years and there are more than 100,000 absorption chillers installed worldwide, with more than 2,000 installations in the EU

Absotherm Services

Absotherm Services are one of the most experienced providers of air conditioning services in the United Kingdom. Our team of highly trained and skilled technicians handle installations of any size, from small residential systems through to major installations in hotels or public buildings.

Over the years, we have installed a number of gas fired absorption chiller/heaters and understand the technology well. We design air conditioning installations from the ground up, then install the products and provide ongoing maintenance. Our skilled technicians can install all types of air conditioners including simple box units and large VRV/VRF units.

For more information contact us today on 0121 270 6339