Alternative Solutions to Your Conventional Heating & Cooling

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In recent years, many businesses and home owners have become interested in reducing energy costs associated with heating or cooling their property. There are a number of technologies which allow property owners to obtain heat or cooling from renewable solutions including solar panels, renewable natural gas and geothermal energy. This article will discuss how these methods are ideal for reducing energy costs while helping the environment.

Geothermal Heating

Geothermal energy is a form of thermal energy that is stored within the earth. This thermal energy originates from the planet’s creation and resides in the earth’s crust at different depths. Geothermal energy sources range from relatively shallow depths through to hot water and hot rock resources miles below the ground.

Beneath the commonly used hot water and hot rock geothermal resources, there is a substance called magma — molten rocks at extremely high temperatures. The geothermal gradient refers to the depths of these different geothermal resources. This form of energy is considered clean (because there are close to zero emissions) and sustainable (because there is a vast amount of geothermal energy available).

Geothermal energy is accessed by digging steam or water wells deep into the earth. Humans have actually been utilising geothermal energy for thousands of years, accessing hot water from springs.

A typical geothermal heating/cooling system uses a series of pipes that go deep into the ground then back into the property. The pipes circulate fluid that absorbs heat from the earth or puts heat back into the earth. In winter, the heat from the pipes is dispersed throughout the property, while in summer the pipes gather heat and put it back into the ground.

Geothermal energy can also produce electricity through the use of turbines and condensers. However, electricity generation from geothermal energy is usually restricted to large power generation facilities and factories. It is expected to be one of the most common ways to gather heat from renewable solutions in the future.

Solar Heating and Cooling

Solar heating and cooling refers to technologies and building techniques which use the energy of the sun to heat or cool a home. The three most common ways in which the sun can heat or cool a building are via solar power, passive solar design, and active solar heating.

Solar power uses photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into electrical energy. This energy can be used to power a variety of devices which heat or cool a property. Solar power has become very popular in recent years and is now one of the most common ways to gather heat from renewable solutions. Solar power is also one of the best performers in terms of reducing energy costs.

Passive solar heating or passive solar design refers to design features which manipulate temperature without any interaction. For example intelligently placing windows, using thermal masses to capture heat from the sun and using ducting to add or remove warm air.

Active solar heating uses air or liquid to capture thermal energy from the sun. The air or liquid is then pumped into a building to provide warmth. Solar water heating is one of the most common forms of active solar heating.

Renewable Natural Gas

Renewable natural gas is gas which has been obtained from biomass. There are a number of technologies for extracting renewable natural gas from biomass including thermal, chemical, and biochemical methods.

This form of gas can be used to power air conditioning units and is popular with large commercial businesses interested in reducing energy costs while looking after the environment.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps use compressed gasses to transport heat into or out of a building. They only require a low amount of energy to work, which makes them an ideal way to generate heat from renewable solutions. Heat pumps can work well with solar power, wind power and geothermal energy.

Because they use significantly less energy than a traditional electrical, gas or coal heating system, they are ideal for reducing energy costs. Because they transfer heat, as opposed to generating heat, they are incredibly efficient. They also work well in conjunction with other systems like traditional air conditioners, because they can gather heat which is normally exhausted.

Absotherm Services

Absotherm Services are air conditioning experts. Our well trained and experienced technicians can design and install a heating or cooling system that perfectly matches your requirements. We are a full-service air conditioning company, providing air conditioning design, installation maintenance and service.

For more information contact us today on 0121 270 6339 or via email at [email protected]